B1380 Citroen Device Ignition Accessory Circuit Open

B1380 Citroen Device Ignition Accessory Circuit Open

Possible causes
– Faulty Ignition Switch
– Ignition Switch harness is open or shorted
– Ignition Switch circuit poor electrical connection
What about the obd code?
Whne the BCM detects a short to ground in the circuit or a short to battery or an open in the circuit when the switch is in the OFF position.
B1380 Citroen Description

The vehicle power mode master (PMM) is the body control module (BCM). The ignition switch is a low current switch with multiple discrete ignition switch signals to the PMM for determination of the power mode. The PMM receives the ignition switch signals, and additionally a reference voltage signal from the BCM, through the ignition switch, and back to the BCM. There are redundancies within the PMM system that can allow operation of certain subsystems when there are faults in the ignition switch circuits. Other information such as serial data input from other modules and DTCs is also used to determine what power mode signals and information is transmitted by the PMM. The BCM logic uses all this information to identify the operator’s desired power mode and activate specific discrete signals, and serial data messages for the operation of different subsystems as necessary. Other modules which have switched voltage inputs may operate in a default mode if the PMM serial data message does not match what the individual module can detect from its own connections.

The PMM will activate relays and other direct outputs of the PMM as needed according to the calculated power mode. Some relays controlled by the BCM are switched ignition voltage outputs that are pass through circuits within the BCM directly from the ignition switch. If these circuits short to ground, the B+ circuit fuse to the ignition switch will open.

Citroen Vehicle:2013 Citroen,2012 Citroen,2011 Citroen,2010 Citroen,2009 Citroen,2008 Citroen,2007 Citroen,2006 Citroen,2005 Citroen,2004 Citroen,2003 Citroen,2002 Citroen,2001 Citroen,2000 Citroen,1999 Citroen,1998 Citroen,1997 Citroen,1996 Citroen,